Below is the 2023 Literary Magazine Ranking for Poetry. To understand the Rationale, Methodology, and Calculation for the Rankings, please go here.
Note that every effort has been made to verify the website links, but magazines do sometimes change their web addresses and occasionally you will encounter a broken or incorrect link. If that happens, please let me know by emailing
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2023 Literary Magazine Ranking for Poetry
Note the following:
© means that the magazine/press is closed
(H) means that the magazine/press is on hiatus
(?) means that it’s unclear what’s going on with the magazine/press
Thanks for compiling this, a big help! Link for “American Journal of Poetry” seems to be broken.
Thanks. Looks like they are closed. I’ll investigate and update.
Thanks for this!
Thank you for the work you’ve done. didn’t find Catamaran?
You’ll find Catamaran on both the Fiction and Non-fiction lists. They aren’t on the poetry list because they haven’t won a Puschart Prize or Special Mention in Poetry in the last 10 years.
Are you sure Twykenham Notes is still active? There have been no changes on their website (nor responses to emails) in well over a year….??
No, I’m not sure, although at the time this list was posted they were active on Twitter, if not on their website. I’ll keep an eye on it. Thank you.
Thanks for these lists. River Teeth appears to only accept creative nonfiction as far as I can tell.
Thank you for pointing that out. Looking at the 2017 Pushcart Prize volume, I see that the piece from River Teeth that was awarded a Pushcart Prize LOOKS like poetry (short paragraphs separated by extra white space so that they look like stanzas) but is in fact non-fiction. I’ll be correcting that.
Popping back in, Spillway seems to have closed? Link is broken.
Thanks. Looks like they’ve changed addresses when combining with another press:
I’ll update the link.
Dear Mr Garstrang,
I find this to be incredibly useful. I have been following the submission approach you suggest but without your wonderful, exhaustive list.
I’m glad it’s helpful. Be sure to check out the updated 2024 rankings.