Below is the 2020 Perpetual Folly Literary Magazine Ranking for Non-Fiction. Go here to read about the methodology.
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Below is the 2020 Perpetual Folly Literary Magazine Ranking for Non-Fiction. Go here to read about the methodology.
If you find the list useful, please consider making a donation.
I couldn’t access the methodology page. Can you help me? I’m curious about it.
Not sure what the problem is, because the link worked for me. In any case, here it is: https://cliffordgarstang.com/2020-literary-magazine-rankings/
Hey Cliff–this is such a wonderful project–thank you for doing this for all of us!
Is the Memoir that is closed here different from Memoir Magazine https://memoirmag.com?
Seth, I believe it is a different magazine. The one you linked to–which looks great–appears to have debuted in October 2017. Memoir Journal on my NF list earned its one point for a special mention in the 2014 volume, which means it appeared some time in 2012. I have an old URL for that magazine, which is no longer operating.
Correction: The web site for Fourth Genre is now
Thank you.