Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet — Volume I


Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet


This anthology of short fiction includes stories set in all seven continents–20 authors, 20 stories, 20 countries.

“Travel invigorates and enlightens, and so does reading. You don’t have to go to the Congo to gain an understanding of the challenges women face there. You don’t have to go to Costa Rica to learn about resentment toward fly-by evangelism. You don’t have to go to Iran to sample Persian culture and anguish. When it’s done right—as the stories in this anthology are—fiction can transport you and show you the essential details, the soul of a place. A fiction writer is like an archaeologist in that way, digging, brushing away what doesn’t belong and revealing what a casual observer—a tourist—might miss. Read the book. Explore the globe. But remember, it’s a dangerous world.”
     —from the Introduction, by Clifford Garstang, editor
Table of Contents
Central African Republic: Eggs, by Susi Wyss
Congo:  International Women’s Day, by Jennifer Lucy Martin
Uganda: The Boy with Fire in his Mouth, by William Kelley Woolfitt
Zambia: Following the Encantado, by Brandy Abraham
The Americas
Argentina: A Difficult Thing, a Beautiful Comfort, by Richard Ballou
Canada: Rue Rachel, by David Ebenbach
Costa Rica: Heathens, by Alden Jones
United States: Disaster Relief, by D. Peyton Burgess
The Ecstatic Cry, by Midge Raymond
China: Visiting Chairman Mao, by Jocelyn Cullity
Iran: When Stars Fell Like Salt Before the Revolution, by Jill Widner
Israel: Comfort Me with Apples, by Rochelle Distelheim
Kazakhstan: A Husband and Wife Are One Satan, by Jeff Fearnside
Russia: The Art of Living, by Teresa Hudson
France: Au Lieu des Fleurs, by Matthew Pitt
Germany: In the German Garden, by Jay Kauffmann
Hungary: The Ring, by Marc Nieson
Italy: The Widow’s Tale, by Joseph Cavano
New Zealand: Jean, by Holly Painter