I have so many books to read in the next couple of months that I had to make a list. It’s a little like being back in school.
I’m in a couple of discussion groups/book clubs, so there’s that. Our January book for Reading Liberally is Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky and for February we’re reading Twilight of the Elites by Christopher Hayes. Partners on the Path is reading Louise Erdrich’s The Round House for February. (I’m not even sure what the March selections are, but I better find out so I can add them to the list.)
The Virginia Festival of the Book is the third week of March and I’m moderating one panel and sitting on two others. I need to read the books for the one I’m moderating, definitely, so my stack includes Hemingway’s Girl by Erika Robuck, Wash by Margaret Wrinkle, Life Among Giants by Bill Roorbach, and Cascade by Maryanne O’Hara. I’d also like to read the books for the short story panel I’m on (other than my own, of course), so I’ve picked up Robert Day’s Where I Am Now, Kurt Rheinheimer’s Finding Grace, and E.J. Levy’s Love, in Theory. I’m also on a panel that is kind of a mixed bag–it’s about family in fiction but it’s also about Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club. So, I need to re-read that, but I’d also like to read some, if not all, of the books by the other panelists, and I’ve picked up Shine, Shine, Shine by Lydia Netzer and Scrapped by Mollie Cox Bryan.
That takes care of March, but in early April there’s more coming. I’m going to a seminar with Jennifer Egan, so I’d like to get A Visit from the Good Squad read. And Robert Goolrick is coming to town to give a reading right after that and I’d like to have read A Reliable Wife (which I have) and maybe his more recent book, Heading Out to Wonderland, which I don’t.
Good luck to me.