Happy Birthday to Me!

Seventy years ago, my mother gave birth to me in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. At least that’s what my birth certificate says. I don’t remember…

Atmospheric Research: Beginning a new project

I recently had the pleasure of spending a few weeks in Berlin, Germany. The purpose of the trip was two-fold: I’ve heard wonderful things…

The Next Book–Part 6: Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Discount!

[Previous installments in this series included a discussion of the inspiration for my new book, the challenges I faced in deciding at what point in the story to start the…

2023 Reading–October

Go, Went, Gone by Jenny Erpenbeck was recommended to me in preparation for my upcoming trip to Berlin. The novel, translated from German by…

The Next Book–Part 5: Finding a Publisher

[Previous installments in this series included a discussion of the inspiration for my new book, the challenges I faced in deciding at what point…

Oliver’s Travels is now an audiobook

I’m excited to reveal that my novel, Oliver’s Travels, will be released on audio on November 14. You can pre-order (with a nice discount)…

I’ve Got Questions for Virginia Pye

Editor’s Note: This exchange is part of a series of brief interviews with emerging writers of recent or forthcoming books. If you enjoyed it,…

2023 Reading–September

The Other Americans by Laila Lalami is a novel (and finalist for the 2019 National Book Award) about Nora, the daughter of Moroccan immigrants….

The Next Book–Part 4: Writing the Novel

[This is Part 4 in a series about my new book. Check out the previous installments here.] Although I struggled for a long time—even…

I’ve Got Questions for Ginger Pinholster

Editor’s Note: This exchange is part of a series of brief interviews with emerging writers of recent or forthcoming books. If you enjoyed it,…