>Slow Newsreel of Man Riding Train (Cont’d–Part II.2)

>2.Not the wild wind whooping into the Great Plainsor grappling over the Savannahs.We have arrived at dusk:Memphis Duluth Boise Prescott Dodge CityIn our pocket…

>Underrated? Overrated?

>For Issue No. 58 of Boulevard, Editor Richard Burgin asked several writers this question: Which writer or artist do you think is the most…

>Was Myers Right?

>The recent review by B.R. Myers of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (he hated it), brought to mind the Myers essay…

>The empty tropes of transgressive fiction

> “Ready-made Rebellion: The empty tropes of transgressive fiction”—Jonathan Dee in the April 2005 Harper’s Magazine. “Good fiction has never been about moral instruction;…

>The Professor’s Daughter

>The Professor’s Daughter, by Emily Raboteau, is a fine “novel in stories.” The collection is mostly narrated by Emma Boudreaux (the similarity to the…

>Bellow and Roth in The New Yorker

>The piece in The New Yorker (April 25, 2005) by Philip Roth, including a long recollection by Saul Bellow about some of his early…

>The Producers

>It’s a stupid show, okay. No one disputes that. It’s by Mel Brooks, so what did anyone expect? It’s hilarious and fun and musical…

>Slow Newsreel of Man Riding Train (Part II.1)

>II. A Long Stop-over on the Far Side of Ashtabula 1.Billing Mont. In a room in the Stillwater Hotelfor some months. Little change in…