>We were off this morning. Originally the time was meant for manuscript preparation, but since we got the manuscripts ahead of time, some of us were at loose ends. I did have things to do, though so I was grateful for the time. We then met at Providence Cafe for lunch, which was fun–recalling many late nights in the bar there–and then went to campus for a screening of the film “Six Figures” based on Fred Leebron’s novel of the same name. It’s an intense movie and it was interesting to hear Fred talk about the process of selling the rights and then observing the adaptation in progress. We had quite a good discussion. Then it was time for our reception of the day, this time welcoming the faculty. I’m not sure how planned this was, but we broke up into our respective groups and it was great to talk to Don Lee and get to know him in advance of our workshop tomorrow.
Later in the evening was an open-mic reading, but I had to miss that . . .
More tomorrow.