>I went out to lunch today–needed to tap into some wireless for downloading purposes–and while I was in town I stopped into my favorite wine shop (The Wine Cellar, at the Wharf in Staunton). As I was paying for my purchases I realized that the CD that was playing in the store was an instrumental Christmas carol. I said, “Easter carols?” And the woman at the register sheepishly said, “There’s a connection, you know.”
Actually she was playing the CD because it was pleasant, relaxing stuff, but for some reason it reminded me of the Secret Santa operation that HTML Giant put together last year. I participated, but, sadly, never got the gift I was supposed to get from my secret santa. Pitiful, right? But the woman at the store was right about that Christmas-Easter connection, no? So maybe my secret santa has an Easter gift in mind? It was supposed to be a book or a literary magazine, but maybe some chocolate? I wouldn’t complain.
>I’m not your HTML Santa — I didn’t have time to sign up at Christmas. However, your problem needs a solution. Send me a mailing address!
>Hah! Thanks, Erin, but I wasn’t fishing for presents! Nice of you to offer, though . . .