I know how difficult it is for authors who are published by small presses to attract the attention of readers, so I thought I could help in a small way by featuring independently published books every week on this blog. So, I’d like to introduce a new feature: I’ve Got Questions.
My idea is to draw attention to books at around the time of their publication, but I’m going to start with a whole lot of books that have been out for a while. And, for the most part, for now, the books I feature will be by people I know or writers whose books are published by the same small presses I’ve worked with. Once the feature gets going, that will likely change. Also, I have a backlog of books to post about, so I’ll do several each week in January, but that, too, will change, probably to one post every Wednesday.
Here’s how it will work: I will send the writer a standard list of questions and then I’ll post the writer’s responses along with a book cover, a headshot, and a website and/or buy-links. Those posts will remain archived under the I’ve Got Questions Category, and I would hope that interested readers will follow up by buying or at least reading the books.
We’ll get the ball rolling on Monday, January 4, so plan to come back to check out this new feature.