>It wasn’t around all that long–four years–but Lunch Hour Stories has announced that it will cease publication. LHS was an imitator of One Story: a thin, small saddle-bound magazine that included a single story and was published relatively often. I subscribed for a while and thought that it was a decent magazine. It’s always unfortunate when a magazine dies.
Here’s an excerpt from the statement of the editor, Nina Bayer:
There is, and always will be, something special about holding a magazine or book in your hands and smelling the scent of freshly printed paper, but the rising costs of printing and postage have now expanded beyond the means of this small publisher. Therefore, it is with sincere regret that we cease operations of our print publication. And, not being willing (yet) to jump on the “anyone-can-publish-their-work-online bandwagon,” we close our doors to publishing altogether.