>New Postage Rates

>Since most of writers these days use online submissions almost exclusively–although there are still an awful lot of places that take only snail mail subs–it may have escaped your attention that postage rates went up on 4/17.

The main changes that affect us are the increase from 28 to 29 cents for a post card, and the increased increment (from 17cents to 20cents) for every ounce over the first one for both regular envelopes and flats. (The first ounce is still 44cents and 88cents, respectively).

New Postage Rates effective April 17

New Rates compared to Old

About the author

I am the author of three novels--THE LAST BIRD OF PARADISE, OLIVER'S TRAVELS, and THE SHAMAN OF TURTLE VALLEY--and three story collections--IN AN UNCHARTED COUNTRY, HOUSE OF THE ANCIENTS AND OTHER STORIES, and WHAT THE ZHANG BOYS KNOW, winner of the Library of Virginia Literary Award for Fiction. I am also the co-founder and former editor of Prime Number Magazine and the editor of the award-winning anthology series EVERYWHERE STORIES: SHORT FICTION FROM A SMALL PLANET.

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