>I’m looking forward to this weekend’s swing through North Carolina for a series of readings with my good friend Mary Akers (Women up on Blocks).
First up is our appearance at McIntyre’s Fine Books in Pittsboro/Fearrington on Friday, November 6, at 2:00pm. (That’s near Chapel Hill, I’m told.)
On Saturday afternoon, November 7, at 1:00pm, we’ll be at Shakespeare & Co. in Kernersville (which is between Greensboro and Winston-Salem).
And on Sunday afternoon, November 8, at 3:00pm, we’ll be doing our thing at Malaprop’s Bookstore & Cafe in Asheville.
It would be great if you could come out to see us for one of these readings! I believe there will be books available for purchase. Just sayin’.
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Paul A. Toth