I enjoy being interviewed because the questions always make me think. Sometimes they are written queries and responses, sometimes they are recorded podcasts. Recently, several of these question and answer sessions have appeared online and I wanted to share them:
Madam Mayo (C.M. Mayo) is a writer I’ve known for quite a while. She has a great blog that you may want to explore beyond the interview, but here is our exchange: Q&A with Clifford Garstang
Snowflakes in a Blizzard is a blog that seeks to “separate authors from the herd” and bring them to the attention of readers. There were some fun questions here: The Shaman of Turtle Valley
Virginia Living did an article about my new book recently that was part review and part interview: Culture Shock in the Shenandoah.
Book Club Babble did an interview with me earlier this year: Interview with Clifford Garstang
JMWW‘s Curtis Smith interviewed me before the new book came out, back when I had no idea what anyone’s reaction would be: The Shaman of Community.
Hasty Book List did an interview I enjoyed if only because the questions were mostly a departure from the usual: Interview with Clifford Garstang
The Writer’s Story is a relatively new podcast featuring writers in conversation with Kristin Swenson and Meredith Cole: Guest Clifford Garstang
Big Blend Radio‘s Nancy & Lisa featured me on their show in June. This was a lot of fun because I’d talked to them before about my work: The Shaman of Turtle Valley
The Writer’s Bone did a podcast with me last November, long before the new book came out, but Volume III of Everywhere Stories had just appeared, so I talked about that with Daniel Ford on their Friday Morning Coffee series: Conversation with Cliff Garstang.
That’s a whole lot of talking about myself, and I even feel like I left something out. As publication of my new book gets closer (May 2020), I suppose I can start all over again!