The image at left is apropos of nothing, except that it was one of the pictures that came up when I Googled “Sunday Night” (this particular volcano erupted on a Sunday night a couple of years ago).
I’ve had a busy weekend and, except for one trip to the gym and one to the store, I’ve barely left the house.
One thing I needed to do is plan the Publishing seminar I’ll be teaching at WriterHouse in mid September. I finished that and prepared handouts. I’ve also got to work on the Creative Writing class I’ll be teaching at Blue Ridge Community College’s Workforce Services and Continuing Education Division. I hope to finish the outline for that class (four consecutive Tuesday evenings, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, beginning Sept. 13) before I leave on Wednesday for . . .
France. And that trip has been occupying a fair amount of my time, what with getting my manuscript ready to work on during the residency at VCCA’s Moulin à Nef, making various reservations (hotels for before and after, train to and from Toulouse), reviewing my French, etc.
And I spent a good chunk of yesterday working on the planned print annual edition of Prime Number Magazine. That was a lot of work, but we’re making good progress. So I’m happy about that.
I also had some good publishing news, that I can’t share just yet, but that’s been keeping me busy as well, at least the spinning wheels in my head.
Over the next three weeks, while I’m traveling and trying really hard to think about nothing but the novel I’m hoping to finish, blogging will be light or non-existent. I’ll try to post some pictures from France, though.