>It seems as though the page 56 meme has passed this way before, but here it is again courtesy of Kat Denza.
These things have rules, of course. The first one is that I’m supposed to grab the nearest book and turn to page 56. Then I’m supposed to go to the fifth line and type that one and the next 2 to 5. The book is A Thousand Splendid Suns:
“From her window, she watched him in the yard, securing his lunch in the rear carrier pack of his bicycle, then walking his bicycle across the yard and into the street. She watched him pedal away, saw his broad, thick-shouldered figure disappear around the turn at the end of the street.”
And then I’m supposed to tag five more booklovers to do the same thing. But . . . I’m not going to do that. I don’t mind being tagged and think it’s kind of fun. But I don’t like to intrude on others, so here’s what I’ve been doing with other recent memes I’ve received: self-selective tagging. If you read this and want to participate, I invite you to consider yourself tagged. And maybe you’ll leave a comment here to that effect . . .
>That’s a good idea, Cliff.