>A couple of years ago, local poet Frank Albrecht started something called the Upper Valley Writers’ Show as a means of showcasing local writing talent in the way that we frequently have the opportunity to the work of visual artists at the many area galleries. It occurs on the third Tuesday of every month at the Beverley Street Studio School and, until last night, I have always had a conflict–first a class I was taking and lately the monthly meeting of the 6th District Democratic Committee. But because my meeting was cancelled, I was able to attend for the first time, and was impressed by the lineup.
Last night’s theme was writing for theater. On tap first was Todd Ristau, performing a portion of a skit he wrote for the No Shame Theater about the appointment by George Bush of Jesus Christ to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court and imagining the Senate Confirmation Hearings that would surely find Jesus unsuited for the bench (way too liberal). Then we hear several songs by singer/songwriter Chris Van Cleave, who is also a musical theater actor. Den Fruman performed a portion of skit he wrote; students from Mary Baldwin College performed a portion of a stage adaptation of The Little Prince that will run next month at the college, Ted Grudzinski and two singers from James Madison University performed four songs from a musical that Ted is writing, and the show concluded with another skit by Tod Ristau, this one about the challenges of teaching science in American schools. (There was an open mike after an intermission, but I wasn’t able to stay for that.)
I’m not sure I’ll be able to attend future shows, but I applaud Frank Albrecht for organizing and promoting this great creative outlet.