>It was nice to see Chef Rhonda at dinner Friday night. She has made such a difference here! After dinner, there was a Fellows reading. First Ruth Kessler read some poems, including a couple of ekphrastic pieces, always appropriate when there are visual artists in the audience. And Patrick Somerville, author of the novel Cradle which came out this year, read from the new novel he’s working on. People stayed around in the living room after that, but I headed back to my studio for more work.
My task for the evening was to type up the changes I’d made on the manuscript during the day and also to grade some papers. I have to do a few each day if I’m going to get them done on time. That done, I came back to the residence and found that the party was still going on. But I was too beat, so I headed to bed.
Today, Saturday, started out clear and cold. I worked all morning and most of the afternoon, taking a break to walk on the trail in the woods. There is lots of deadfall this year, and not much in the way of new art that I noticed (except for a yellow wire sculpture that adorns a few trees). Still, it’s a nice walk in the woods.
After dinner I went back to the studio to type and grade. Looks like that’s going to be the pattern for this residency!