In case you missed it, I have recently completed the popular Pushcart Prize Literary Magazine Rankings for 2013. I have put the fiction list together for the past 5 years or so, and people seem to find it helpful, so last year I added lists for nonfiction and poetry.
Last year, many people wanted to make a donation to defray the cost of this site and to support my compiling of these lists. So, on my old site, I added a PayPal Donate button. While I am grateful for those donations, I’d like to suggest that if you want to show your appreciation that you consider buying one of my books. You can buy directly from me or the publisher or on Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or order through your favorite Independent Bookstore (links for buying the books are available on this site under Books).
Literary Magazine Ranking – Fiction
Literary Magazine Ranking – Nonfiction
Literary Magazine Ranking – Poetry
If you find these lists useful, consider making a donation to help support this website. Thank you.
If there is such a thing as a definitive list of the top literary magazines this is it. Every serious writer owes Cliff Garstang more than a debt of gratitude.