I’m off to Richmond today for the kickoff of the James River Writers’ Conference. I attended a few years ago as a participant and thought it was terrific–very well organized, and in a wonderful venue, The Library of Virginia–and so when I was asked to be a presenter this year, I jumped at the chance.
Not only am I on a couple of panels on Friday (I think they gave me Saturday off), I’m also one of two presenters holding workshops today. One of the workshops is given by Michelle Brower, and agent, and that was a hot ticket, as I understand it. (I might have signed up for that one myself!) My workshop is more focused on craft, as we’ll talk about how to create a world in a short story.
The conference proper begins tomorrow morning and features talks by such fantastic writers as Silas House, Charles Todd, Charles Shields, Jacqueline Woodson, Mike Olmert, and a whole lot of other terrific writers..
I’m looking forward to it!