>I’m a literary pack rat, judging from the overburdened shelves and piles of books and literary journals that cover various surfaces around here. This new venture isn’t going to cure that problem, not by a long shot. But here’s my proposal. I will occasionally offer up a issue of a literary magazine to trade. I’ll post the issue here and you leave a comment with what you can offer in return. If it’s one I don’t have, we’ll both mail them to each other. For the price of media mail, we each get something new to read.
First offering: The Laurel Review, Winter ’08 issue, featuring work by G.C. Waldrep, Jennifer Grotz, C. Dale Young, and many others.
Wanna swap?
>Greetings, Sir –
I propose to swap my issue two of GUD Magazine for your Laurel Review.
>Deal! Email me your address at cgarstang@aol.com, and I’ll send you mind. Thanks!
>Roger that! – Thank You.