At the end of the year, I like to look back to see how much progress I made toward my writing goals and then set goals for the coming year. I didn’t remember exactly what my goals were for this year, so I laughed when I found last year’s post and discovered there was only one goal: Finish the Damn Book!
Okay, then, I did that, if a book can ever be said to be finished before it’s actually published. But for now, it’s out of my hands and is being considered by a couple of publishers. The only other writing accomplishments of note: writing several book reviews, providing several book blurbs, and updating the annual literary magazine rankings. I really did focus most of my energy on getting that book done.
So, now what? What are my writing goals for 2023? I’m glad you asked, although I’m not entirely certain. Here are some candidates:
- A new novel. I’ve started something far less complicated than the last book, and I’d like to finish a rough draft of that this year.
- I’m toying with another project that would be more experimental, and I’m thinking of the work of Annie Ernaux as I consider it.
- Every year I say I’m going to try my hand at the personal essay form, and every year I don’t make much progress. Is this the year?
- And, depending on what happens with the novel I finished in 2022, I may need to return to it or at least continue to look for a publisher.
My goals for the coming year are vaguer than they have been in recent years, probably because finishing the book I was writing has left me a bit at sea, scanning the waters looking for something to cling to. I recommend being more specific if you can be. Here’s an article with tips for setting writing goals that you may find helpful: 5 Tips for Setting a Writing Goal You’ll Stick To.