>Today was the only day I’m going to get to this year’s Virginia Festival of the Book, but the two panels I attended were both excellent and SRO. The first was a panel moderated by Shannon Ravenel, presenting New Stories From the South 2004. Three of the authors were present–all Virginia-based–and read excerpts from their stories: K.A. Longstreet read from The Judgement of Paris; Elizabeth Seydel Morgan read from Saturday Afternoon in the Holocaust Museum; and R.T. Smith read from The Docent, which is also in BASS. A terrific hour, with an appreciative audience.
>Thanks for these reports, Cliff. Maybe next year I can go with you.
>Yeah, and maybe I’ll tag along too. 😉
>Too funny. And if I hadn’t had a commitment in Richmond on Saturday I would have been at the Ashley, Porter, and Dean reading too because I’ve read stuff by all of them and really wanted to hear them. There’s an excerpt from Dean B’s book in the recent VQR.