Today, May 14, 2019, is Publication Day for The Shaman of Turtle Valley.

You can order the book from the publisher: Braddock Avenue Books.
You can also order from your favorite Independent Bookstore. (Or stop into the store and ask them to get it for you.)
You can buy in-store or on-line from Barnes & Noble.
Check out the great books, including The Shaman of Turtle Valley, you can order from Small Press Distribution.
And, of course, the book is also available from
If you’d like to get a signed copy or hear me read from the book, please come to one of my events scheduled in May and beyond. I’m adding more events all the time, so for a complete list, please visit my Events Calendar. I’ve got several appearances scheduled in Virginia and New York, and I hope to add Chicago, North Carolina, and Indiana in the near future.