>It was my intention to keep a calendar here of upcoming readings in the area, but I let that slip away from me. Now, though, I’ve added a “Literary Virginia [Western]” section to the sidebar, which I hope will remind me to kepp it current. Right now I’ve got items from University of Virginia, Sweet Briar College, Washington & Lee and right here in Staunton. I’d like to add, as I become aware of them, events at Mary Baldwin College, James Madison University, Eastern Mennonite University and Bridgewater College. So if you know of a reading event in my area, please let me know!
3/29/07 Paul Muldoon (UVa Bookstore)
3/31/07 Ralph Cohen (signing) (Staunton-Bookstack)
4/3/07 Elton Glaser (UVa Bookstore)
4/13/07 Christopher Buckley (WLU)
4/16/07 Upper Valley Writers Show (Staunton-BSSS)
4/18/07 Carrie Brown (SBC)
4/19/07 Tom Beller (UVa Bookstore)
4/30/07 David Wojahn (WLU)