My main focus right now is a novel that is reasonably advanced. I have a “complete” draft, but the second half of the book needs a lot of work. I’m hoping to finish by next summer, maybe sooner. I’ve done a lot of research, I think I know how the book ends (I’ve written the last scene), but there is a lot that has to be done before I’ll consider it done.
I’m also assembling a new story collection. I realized recently that I have a number of published stories that didn’t fit into either of my two collections and when I made a list together with a few unpublished stories, it seemed to form a natural structure. So I’ll work on that from time to time also. I might be able to finish that this winter.
Then there’s a finished novel I’m shopping to small presses. It was briefly represented by an agent before we split, so it had a crack at a few editors at big publishers, but it has always felt like a niche/small press book to me anyway. It’s quirky and voice-driven and . . . I’m hopeful.
At some point in the coming year, I’ll need to deal with edits to my novel forthcoming from Braddock Avenue Books. And cover design. And publicity. Etc. That’s next year, though. Not right now.
And I have some ideas for essays I’d like to do. Before the end of the year, I’ll make a start on that project.
There’s no shortage of work in progress.