I’ve seen a lot of my writer friends post their writing goals on Facebook, and I think that’s a good practice, so instead of writing, I think I’ll do the same thing. 🙂
I’m not a big fan of New Years Resolutions. For me they’re pretty much always the same, and I’m not too good at sticking too them (lose weight, exercise more, yadda yadda), so what’s the point? My main resolution for this year is to live better. I’ll try to heat a healthier diet, get to the gym more, and reduce stress. Beyond that?
Writing goals are different, though. This is my job, right? So in order to measure if I’m doing my job well, I need to know what the objectives are. And so, in 2014, I will:
1) Edit the Everywhere Stories anthology. (It’s scheduled to come out in October, so I’ve got a March 31 deadline of picking the stories.)
2) Finish a draft of the mosaic novel I’m working on. I’m maybe a third done with this now, so I’d like to have the draft finished by mid-year.
3) Write a couple of short stories. (I’ve got a start on a few, so I’ll probably work with those). I need some stories to be submitting!
4) Progress (I won’t say finish, because that’s unrealistic, given everything else) on the quasi-historical novel I’ve done a very rough draft of.
5) Shepherd Prime Number Magazine Editors’ Selections Vol. 4 to publication. We’ll start this in the Summer and it will come out in late November.
That ought to keep me out of trouble. (Especially if we’re able to place the novel I’ve recently finished.)