I just learned that StoryQuarterly, the magazine that used to be independent, was swallowed by Narrative, and then re-emerged as the Literary Magazine of Rutgers-Camden, is now charging $5 for each submission. I’m not going to pay it.
More and more magazines are charging a little something for electronic submissions, $2 or less, sometimes $3. While many object to those fees–the electronic submission doesn’t have to increase a magazine’s costs, so why do they charge anything?–at least those fees are pretty close to what it would cost to copy and mail a story with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
But $5? I don’t think so. If they want to turn off the spigot of submissions so that they can focus solely on soliciting work, they’ve made an excellent move. I don’t suppose they’ll miss getting work from me–I usually send one story a year and recently withdrew a story that had been accepted elsewhere–but I’m just not going to pay them $5 to submit.
>Yeah. I noticed this too. I don't really mind the $3 fees, but $5 seems steep.
Even if it's a naked money grab, I think they'd make more at a $3. Volume has got to go down big time.
>which maybe is the point?