Okay, not on the air, exactly, but on Zoom and Facebook Live. From 2014-2018, I edited and Press 53 published a three-volume series of anthologies, each volume of which contained 20 short stories by 20 writers set in 20 countries. It was fun to curate and edit, and the feedback from readers has been very positive. Because the authors are scattered around the country and the world, it was difficult to arrange in-person events to support the book. But Zoom is a perfect vehicle for that, and Press 53 is planning a series of readings featuring as many of the contributors as we can schedule.
What ties the stories together is the understanding of the culture that they portray. Mostly, they aren’t about tourists, but about people who are trying to connect with the countries on a deeper level.

First up, on Tuesday, August 18 at 7:00 pm EDT, we have Barbara Krasner, Jeff Fleischer, Midge Raymond, and Mark Brazaitis. Each of the four authors will read a little from their stories and then we’ll have time for Q&A.
To participate in the Zoom event, you need to register in advance, using this link: Everywhere Stories on Zoom.
You can also watch on Facebook Live on Press 53’s Facebook Page. No registration is necessary.