I recently had business in North Carolina and was invited to participate in a gathering at the home of Marjorie Hudson, author of the excellent linked story collection Accidental Birds of the Carolinas. (Seriously, if you haven’t read this book, you really should.)
Marjorie gathered a number of her friends and students together for the occasion and asked me to speak about writing process, my books, and generally whatever came to mind. I decided to get a little more specific than that, however, and so I shared my thoughts on linked story collections and novels in stories, a subject about which I’ve given a lot of thought.
One of the writers joining the session was Michele Berger, who blogs about creativity. She wrote about her reaction to the gathering here: Learning about Story Cycles and A Novel Told in Stories. She does a great job of summarizing our discussion, so I thought I’d share that with you here. Please check out her blog, a great resource on creativity.