Clifford Garstang is the author of six works of fiction including the novels The Last Bird of Paradise, Oliver’s Travels and The Shaman of Turtle Valley and the short story collections House of the Ancients and Other Stories, What the Zhang Boys Know, and In an Uncharted Country. He is also the editor of the acclaimed anthology series, Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet. A former international lawyer, he lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
>Hi Cliff, I think I saw / heard that same instrument when I went to China in 2007. I saw a roomful of them in a school and then we had a group of students do a demonstration for us. Margaret from TMWW
>Do you mean the Kayagum? Yes, China and Japan also have versions of this same instrument. If you mean the Saenghwang, see my comment on the other post.