Wine and words go well together, no matter which order they come in. But in a couple of weeks I’m going to experience them coming and going.
On Saturday the 22nd I’ll be heading down to Winston-Salem for Press 53‘s annual Wine & Words Fest. This is the annual celebration at which they give out the trophies for the Open Awards, and generally celebrate the activities of the Press. Since Press 53 published my first book, is publishing my second next year, and is the publisher of the magazine I edit, I’m delighted to celebrate with them!
And then the next day I’ll be heading directly to Charlottesville, VA, or rather to a little town east of there, to Keswick Vineyards for Words & Wine, the annual fundraiser for Writer House, the terrific organization in Charlottesville that provides such great services to the local writing community. I’ve attended events there, been on panels, given readings, taught a seminar . . .
Good people, and I’m looking forward to the event.
Words & Wine, Wine & Words. Not necessarily in that order.