>More VCCA rain

>It’s been another rainy day here at VCCA, so I’ve been working reasonably steadily all day. But here’s a shot of the woods behind…

>VCCA Reading

>Last night at VCCA we had another fine reading. First up was Judith Tannenbaum, who is working on a dual memoir with a prison…

>Sunday at VCCA

>It’s hard to know what to expect from a Sunday at VCCA. Breakfast is later, so some people get a slow start. Some fellows…

>VCCA Readings

>A couple of nights ago we had another reading in the VCCA living room. It was brief, which I appreciated, because I’ve been coming…

>VCCA in the rain

>I’m settled into my studio and routine now and it’s great. For anyone who has been to VCCA, I’m in studio W4, which was…

>VCCA Arrival

>This is my fourth residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and I’ve really been looking forward to it as a way…

>VCCA Blog

>The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts has recently created a blog – a great way to keep up on the latest news.

>VCCA: Warmingday; Endday

>Sunday was supposed to be rainy, but we never got wet, just warmer. For me things were winding down and my mind was already…

>VCCA: Grayday

>This morning was not only gray, but icy, causing some concern for folks who were heading off site in cars. It was even kind…

>VCCA: Snow Day

>Not a lot of snow, but it began mid-morning and lasted off and on until about dusk. Most of it is gone now, but…