>Sewanee: Day 7, Part II

>It’s late and I don’t think I can really do this justice, but here goes: The day started with a staff reading: Erica Dawson,…

>Sewanee: Day 7, Part I

>I’ve got a few minutes this morning so I thought I’d write a little more than just a report of what’s written on the…

>Sewanee: Day 6

>This is close to the halfway point and although today was a slow day–the Sunday schedule is not as jammed as other days–from now…

>Sewanee: Day 5

>I took a walk this morning before breakfast, down toward “the cross,” and saw several fearless deer along the way. After breakfast I had…

>Sewanee: Day 4

>For some reason yesterday’s post was titled Day 4, although that was premature. I’ve corrected that now. The first event today, Friday, was a…

>Sewanee: Day 3

>I was up late Wednesday night so Thursday got kind of a slow start. The first event was a staff reading that was great:…

>Sewanee: Day 2

>The day started early because I’m still on Eastern time, but that’s okay because I had a lot of reading to do. In fact,…

>Sewanee: Day 1

>Okay, so mostly this was a driving day. And most of that was a blur since I was listening to a book on tape….

>Road Trip

>Busy day today. I need to work on a piece of writing and then I had to take Bhikku to the kennel. Normally I…

>Conference Time

>Writers’ Conferences. I’ve been to a bunch. They’re fun and educational. What more could you want? And with the arrival of summer, conferences are…